Eddie Facey for Nevada State
Assembly District 42

It's time for a new direction.
The right direction.

My name is Eddie Facey and this is the digital home of my campaign.

On my website, I share information about myself, my policy views and my vision for the Great State of Nevada.  Please explore my website and don't forget to check out my blog.  I hope to hear from you soon if you have any questions or comments.

It is my political goal to deliver the vision for a safe, thriving Nevada, with solutions to today's issues and for a better and brighter tomorrow. 

School Safety -

School violence seems to be sustained at rather high levels.  In our society, violent offenders are segregated in correctional facilities for a period of time that not only serves as punishment, but also makes the streets a little bit safer and less occupied by persons known to deploy violence against others.

In 2019, as a reaction to an observation that the "school-to-prison" pipeline had a disproportionate amount of minority offenders, the legislature passed AB 319, mandating a procedure known as "restorative justice" into our schools.  This law results in the application of "alternative consequences" to violent offenders in schools and makes it difficult for administrative staff to swiftly expel students for violent behavior or battery.  Such leniency may provide short-term avoidance of punishment to violent youth; however, by keeping them in the school environment it not only makes the children and staff less safe from attack but creates condition that make focus on learning
more difficult.  

I believe that the process of assuring school safety and creating a positive learning environment should be the domain of school superintendents, as overseen by local school boards.  Our primary priorities should be to assure the safety of students and teachers above all else, and then to create a positive environment for learning.  Efforts to equalize racial impact of students being disciplined or expelled from school should be well below these primary priorities.  I would support the repeal of AB 319 and allow school discipline to return to the supervision of school district management.

Educational Excellence -

Many Nevadans are aware of the unfortunate reality of our 49th ranked school system.  Simply put, Nevadans should expect to see a focus on educational improvement and opportunity.  Instead, school administrators, trustees and legislators are focused on topics like looking backward at racial victimization, implementing transgender instructional materials into classrooms, and attempting to provide "menstrual equity".  Whatever the agenda of the people promoting these topics, implementation does nothing to improve the performance of the 49th rated school system.  And as these programs are being implemented, deans are being de-funded, administrators and teachers are leaving public schools, and violence is on the rise.  

I believe that the dynamic of competition and parental motivation to get the best education for their children are factors that can improve Nevada's educational performance.  To the extent possible, parents should have the ability to choose a school environment that will best educate their children.

I have seen the following "Parental Bill of Rights" proposed in Colorado.  I would support similar legislation in Nevada.  

Gas Prices -

It is unfortunate that our state has some of the nation's highest gas prices.  A big part of the reason for this is that most of our gas is refined in California, which has a higher cost structure than other places where gas is refined.  

The spring and summer of 2022 has seen Nevada gas prices the likes of which we haven't seen before.  These prices impact the ability to get to work, the ability to travel, and the cost of items that are grown or manufactured elsewhere and getting shipped to Nevada.  While high gas prices have a high impact on everyone, the biggest impact must be on economically struggling families, who may have longer commutes and the least ability to pay.  Individuals are now prioritizing working from home, and the difficulties of small businesses such as restaurants hiring entry level workers are becoming evident.

While there are many Federal policies that impact the supply and cost of gasoline, one policy that is currently being considered is a "Federal Gas Tax Holiday".  Federal legislators, sensitive to the price of gas and its impact on working families, have proposed to temporarily suspend the Federal gas tax to bring prices down.  This doesn't solve the problem of high gas prices, but sometimes complex problems have complex solutions, and this move would be one thing of many that can be done to provide relief to the American family.

Unfortunately, such a solution would provide no relief to Nevadans.  Under current Nevada law (NRS 365.185), if tax collected by the Federal Government relating to motor vehicle fuel is either reduced or discontinued....the amount of tax so imposed...must be equal to the amount by which the Federal tax is reduced.

In other words, fellow Nevadans, you cannot benefit from a reduction in Federal gas tax, as the state will impose an automatic tax increase to make sure you don't get any of the relief that might be intended for other states.  If elected, I will support the repeal of this automatic tax increase. 

Grocery Shortages -

This sign informing shoppers about the disruption of the supply of eggs was taken in a Clark County Wal-Mart sometime during the third week of June.

In 2021, the Nevada Legislature passed AB399, which prohibited the sale of eggs from hens that are kept in cages, regardless of what state from which the eggs originate.  The law also required nests, perches, and dust-bathing areas.  It exempted small farms which have less than 3000 hens.

Currently, about 70% of the nation's egg production comes from farming operations that do not meet the legislature's standard.  It is one thing to create a voluntary standard by which consumers could prioritize their choices based on their desired farming conditions.  However, it is a different matter to decide that if there aren't enough eggs coming from farms with these standards, that you and your family will simply do without eggs, even though there is an adequate supply of eggs nationwide.

The legislature's attempt to impose their will to support the welfare of chickens in other states will also make your grocery bill higher.  Your legislature decided that you have extra money to subsidize the living conditions of American chickens, as well as the willingness to find an alternate breakfast if there are supply disruptions regarding a commonly available and relatively inexpensive grocery item.